Monday 5 June 2023

NEA Task 12: research into Film Magazine Contents Pages

  • are they single or double pages?
  • the layout of the different elements on the page
  • the different sections of the magazine that are shown in the contents pages
  • the actual content - what can be found inside the magazine?
  • the use of typography - font, size, use capitalisation/lower case, text direction, etc
  • the use of images
  • the use of page numbers
These are single pages. The date is in the top lefty hand corner with the contents down the left hand side within the Sight and Sound Magazine. A feature, with this being the Q&A section is also found the top with the page number in a large font to signify it's importance. Then a banner features down a page signifying a throwback to a point in time of the magazine. A large part of the contents pages are given to the reviews based on different media categories like film, television, DVD and Blu- Ray wider screen and books. There are also mini bios about the people incolved in the magazine, specifically the contributors. A range of typography is used and they are all relatively thin and off the San Serif font type. They all ensure clean lines and clarity, look very similar. ''FROM THE ARCHIVES is in a larger font size which attracts attention which signifies that it is a key part of the magazine. They are all in uppercase letters. The text direction is horizontally left to right apart from ''FROM THE ARCHIVES'' which goes vertically downn the page to make the words. 
The only images found on thee gtwo pages are of those being interviewed which provides a deeper insight into who the readers are learning and gaining insight about. The page numbers can be found in the first lefthand collumn going down vertically. This challenges conventions as it. is usually found in just the bottom corner of pages. 


These are single pages also 

The above contents page spans over a single A4 Spread.  The layout of the different elements on the page are the page number features at the top with a headline and a breif synopsis of what the page about. There are no lines seperating the different elements of the contents. This creates a very minimalist aestetic.  The issue number is at the top, with a headline of Feature Content. The page number is at the top which challenges conventions because they are usually found at the side of infomation relating to that page number. The Subheading for each page is underneath the page number and and is bold and thicker than the others to stand out and show emphasis. The yellow contrasts with the black background and prepares the reader of what they are about to read. Underneath is a breif summary of what is explained/ discussed and explored on the page. The bottom one is a bit more artistic with squggles and a light blue colour pallette whereas the one above is dark and moody.  There are not many sections of the magazine that are detailed in both of the contents pages, it just lists what's inside and does not differentiate them into different categories. Inside the magazine Little White Lies a feature article is the first thing to be on the contents page as this could be seen as the most important and the selling point of rthe magazine. The third article tends to zoom in on a particular aspect of the film being referenced in the magazine. The font size and typography is small throughout and the subheadings are bold. There are no images on both these little white lies covers as the emphasis


he only double pages that feature are the spreads in Film Stories magazine. 

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Nicholas Norris Completed NEA

  Dear Moderator,  My name is Nicholas Norris . Welcome to my A Level Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work I have undertaken for...