Monday 5 June 2023

NEA Task 11: Research Textual Analysis of Film Stories Front Covers

  • Who is the feature of the main coverline and what can you find out about this person and the film that is linked to them in the coverline?
Daniel Radcliffe is most famous for being in the Harry Potter |Films. He was born in Fullham, London 1989. 
He has been in 47 acting roles, 2 producing and involved in 9 Sound Tracks. He was also the voice over of Edmond in 3 episodes of the Simpsons, Rick and Morty and the Playmobil movie.
  • Which other people are named on the front cover and who are they?
No body else features on the front cover. critiscized for violent content by the press. Commentators like Mary Whitehouse and various religious organisations. 
  • Apart from names of people/specific films, what other topics related to film are featured on the front cover?
The Amateur actors, The Big UK Movie Preview and The Video Nasties of the !980's which was a colloquial term used in the 1980's which applied to a number of films distributed on video cassette 
  • What comments are you able to make about the masthead?
It;s big, prominant and all in capital letter 's which is gramatically incorrect. It has done this so it stands out and it is in the colour bright pink. 
  • What comments can you make about the use of images?
The maim image is a headshot of Daniel Radcliffe with a big bushy hairstyle and thin wireframe classes. This has a retro vibe and this is echoed throughout the front cover. 
  • What comments can you make about typography on the front cover?
All fonts on the front cover are bold and San Serif which is all capitalised to show emphasis and be  bold. It is in a pale pink. The rest of the typography is smallere and in white- the coverline has a pink background. The part of the coverline that stands out is the ''WEIRD'' which looks to be part of a lightening bolt. This has connotations of power and energy and echoes the retro feel of the magazine. 
  • What comments can you make about the composition and layout on the front cover?
There are teasers at the top about what is to come in the form of a puff. The strapline is above  the Masthead which is unconventional as it is usually found underneath along with the date and price. 
The barcode is different to standard practice because it is usually found vertically whereas here is horizontal. 

  • Who is the feature of the main coverline and what can you find out about this person and the film that is linked to them in the coverlineThe feature of the main coverline is the director Jon S Baird who was born in November 1972  and his role in the film Tetris He is a BAFTA award winning Scotish director and has worked with numerous Academy award winning actors. His career started at BBC. He was nominated for 1 BAFTA award with 2 wins and 6 nominations all together. He is most known for the film Tetris which is referrenced above with his role as a director. He is also recognised for the film filth for his role also as a director ten years prior. He has been a director in 12 Films, a writer in 3 and a producer in 8. 
  • Which other people are named on the front cover and who are they?
  • No one else is mentioned on the front cover 
  • Apart from names of people/specific films, what other topics related to film are featured on the front cover?
  • The topic of community is mentioned as well as another film Odyssy. Finally there is an article about dance music track producer Moby turned to making documentary. 
  • What comments are you able to make about the masthead?
  • The masthead is a bold San Serif font. It is yellow and pixellated. This also gives it a retro edge like the previous issue I looked at. It reminds me of a traffic announcement board on the motorway and it is synonymous with graphics found in 1980's computer games like tetris of which the title of the film is derived. 
  • What comments can you make about the use of images?
  • The image is a front facing headshot of the main character with a stern looking facial expression, a neat side parting comb over and a moustache which was a key fashion statement of the time. It is also split up into section to make it look distorted and like puzzle pieces. This linkes rto the game and videogame the title references.  
  • What comments can you make about typography on the front cover?
  • The title is in capitalised and is in a San- Serif style. This is to ensure it looks bold and captivating on the newstand when it is being sold. It is a nod to the time when the film is set- in the 1980's- a time of unsharp graphics.  The font above and below the coverline is slim and thin which gives clean lines and clarity. The font above the headline is white and looks modern in comparison to the headline. 

  • What comments can you make about the composition and layout on the front cover
  • The main image is right of centre and looks artistic in the way that it is made up. The black compliaments the colour yellow and contrasts with the bright electric blue which is the colour chosen behind the main character. The coverline is next to the main image which shows achorage that the two relate together. The blue from the background of the main image is used also in the description below the coverline The yellow stands out which highlights importance. The Masthead is larger than the one in previous issues and is at the top of the front cover. Infomation like the price, issue number and strapline can be found above the headline. 

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