Thursday 15 June 2023

NEA Task 17: (Planning) Coverlines, Images, Page Furniture:

  • Main coverline
1. The main coverline will be in a bold San Serif 
The 10 Upcoming Directors to watch out for

The best in the country. 
Content plugs:
Behind the Scenes 
Planning a new film 
Insights from those involved in creating a film.

'' First we have a brainstorm meeting, then these are made into a storyboard, we then decide our Mise-En-Scene for the movie.'' - Pull Quote 

Insights and Interviews+ much more: - Puff

Corner: NEW

Main image: Dad/ Brook - above the headline: a headshot 

William Jones: This pioneering director is capturing the imaginations of young audiences one film at a time. 

INFLUENCE, ESCAPISM. DOPAMINE. (3 words at the top.) 
INFLUENCE, ESCAPISM, Dopamine (3 words at the top) 
Main Coverline: 
Is there enough variety in film. 
The main coverline will be bold San- Serif. 
Is there enough genuine representation in casting and the industry. 

'' It is shocking to me that a large of proportion of actors playing characters who are disabled do not actually have a disability in real life.''

Content Plugs: 
POC challenging stereotypes and prejudice 
Childhood actors in the spotlight 
A look back on the greats of film (old people)
Females in Film Production. 
LGBT pioneers of Cinema. 

Making sure everyone is heard: Puff. 

Corner: NEW

Main image: me
Man: Austin Armstrong : Ableism in the film industry finally brought to the forefront. 
Lady: Ruby Bedford 

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  Dear Moderator,  My name is Nicholas Norris . Welcome to my A Level Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work I have undertaken for...