Monday 5 June 2023

NEA Task 10 : Research Textual Analysis of Little White Lies Magazine Front Covers

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    Who is the feature of the main coverline and what can you find out about this person and the film that is linked to them in the coverline?
Daniel Craig, is an English Actor who is married with one child.  he is most famous for being in James Bond from 2006 Casino Royale and the 2021 in No Time to Die. He has credits for being an actor 72 times. He was a producer 3 times and has worked on sound tracks twice. 
In the 2015 Star Wars film episode V11 The Force Awakens as he was a storm trooper. 
  • Which other people are named on the front cover and who are they?
There is no one else on the front cover. 
  • Apart from names of people/specific films, what other topics related to film are featured on the front cover?
The theme of mystery is mentioned on the front cover. Within his glasses there are people which links to his job as a detective. He is also wearing clothes suitable for the hot weather which makes sense as it is set on island which could be a hot holiday destination. 
  • What comments are you able to make about the masthead?
The Masthead challenges conventions as it is in the middle of the front cover in a circle with black writing, the words directly underneath one another. The same style is mirrored across all issues. The price and barcode are at the top but below the masthead. The strapline is underneath the masthead and says ''Truth and Movies''
  • What comments can you make about the use of images?
The single image takes up most of the cover but Daniel Craig is featured in the bottom and centre. It is a mixture of photograph and hand drawn elements such as the blazer and headscrarf. The image makes it look like a book cover. 
  • What comments can you make about typography on the front cover?
The Masthead is a San- Serif font without ticks and flicks. Each word in the title is seperate under each other and makes the correct use of capital letters. 
The title of the film Glass Onion is in what appears to be handwriten. There are squiggles on the front cover which suggest artistic expression and a form of practice. The Sub title of Knives Out and mystery give more infomation about the film. They are both handwritten and ''Knives Out has a Circle around it and is underlined whilst being in Capital letters. This shows the importance of this relating to the film and appears to be a prominent fixture in the front cover. There is also a sketch of a knife which relates to the theme and genre of the film. It has connotations of danger, death and murder. 
  • What comments can you make about the composition and layout on the front cover?
The barcode is on the bottom left at the side of the cover. There is a distinct use of bright and bold colours which makes it visually interesting and appealing to the consumer. There are uses of pattern on the blazer, headscarf and background which makes it appear to be an illusion and if it is broken. Contrast has been adopted because Daniel Craigs character is quite dark and monochromatic whereas the rest of the cover is bright and cheerful.


  • What is the feature of the main cover line and what can you find out about this?
Pink Flamingo's is a 1972 Comedy and Crime film written and directed by John Waters and staring Divine the Drag Queen as the main character. It has a certificate rating of 18. 
  • Which other people are named on the front cover and who are they?
There is no mention of anyone else on the front cover. 

  • Apart from names of people/specific films, what other topics related to film are featured on the front cover?
Nothing in particular is mentioned apart from the Aniverssary of 50 years and the iconography of the barrell of a smking gun. 
  • What comments are you able to make about the masthead?
The Masthead challenges conventions as it is in the middle of the front cover in a circle with black writing, the words directly underneath one another. The same style is mirrored across all issues. The price and barcode are at the top but below the masthead. The strapline is underneath the masthead and says ''Truth and Movies''
    • What comments can you make about the use of images?
    It seems to be computer generated and it takes up half the cover and the rest is occupied by the pint flumes of smoke which are behind the coverline also covering half the face. 
    • What comments can you make about typography on the front cover?
    The Masthead is a San- Serif font without ticks and flicks. Each word in the title is seperate under each other and makes the correct use of capital letters. 

    The cover line is artistic and expressive and the wobbly lines ion the letters convey movement. This expresses that as the words go up in the smoke they are likely to dissapear. 

    • What comments can you make about the composition and layout on the front cover?
    The use of half and half and it being slanted at an angle. The colours are quite stark particularly with the white. The red of the lips and the large amount of pink clash and make a statement. This is juxtaposition because with a Drag Queen you expect glamour but she turns out to be a criminal which promotes ideas of crime an brutality. The smoke links to distruction and the bullet makes sure, and divine is determined that she will leave her mark on the world. 

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