Wednesday 7 June 2023

NEA Task 15: 60 Second Pitch Planning.

 Hello, My name is Nicholas, and I am here to pitch Film Fix , a new film magazine aimed at 16-25 year old  media literate audience.  My strapline will be The Perfect Antidote for the film addict. The Website is planning on being launched in October 2023 and the magazine will be launched in September 2023. I aim to publish the magazine monthly. The magazine will retail at the price of £.599. Readers of my magazine can expect to find interviews, insights and discussion . My website will feature additional exclusive content and interviews with those that are featured within the magazine. There will be trailers, bloopers and videos going behind the scenes of magazines and media production on the website  I will ensure that the Magazine and Website appeal to the target audience because I will make sure it is intuitive, refined and polished. I willl make the front covers visually appealing with different types of font in the way of typography and allow art to adorn the pages. 

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Nicholas Norris Completed NEA

  Dear Moderator,  My name is Nicholas Norris . Welcome to my A Level Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work I have undertaken for...